San Isidro has gained some fame in circuit design and not only among local. Many foreigners take the "hassle" out of Buenos Aires to discover the delights that this area offers.

conjugation food, primitive ritual fashion and design in principle sounds weird, but not both. Cooking is a highly creative act that nourishes our bodies and our souls often cultivated aromas, sensations and memories. The Gourmet Kitchen is, from my point of view, kitchen designed, thought and rethought to show how different something is done that years ago, a twist, a wink and a form of "beautiful" to see the same dish as usual .
In Buenos Aires the gourmet trend is increasing and today it is totally normal that you will eat or cook something gourmet but look at you as if trying to decipher a secret code in an Egyptian hieroglyph. Among all trends fusion, oriental, Arabic and Baires present in healthy, it is the latter with which I'm (for the post).
I think there is nothing gourmet or fashion or whatever call, something that in any other country is consumed in a market consuming as exotic and novedosopopular and is even viewed with disdain "those exotic others" popular or folk character. My case: fruit juices . I have no idea why in Argentina with the wonderful fruits of the season that this land provides, not often eat milkshakes or smoothies. I wish some historian or sociologist me explain, because it seems very strange that, with the wide variety of nationalities that have shaped his identity after Argentina, fruits have passed under the table and not on it.
I was born and grew up tasting a variety of fruit juices in markets (sisi like those crowded, not too immaculate to see flyer) and I miss Horrors (both). Luckily, Baires, I've run into some Juice Bars very flirtatious where I can enjoy the winding tropical fruit flavors. I enjoy something so much that is exquisite, take a guava or mango juice as a crazy thing, a boldness; especially as his feature gourmet nostalgic much weight subtracted my sensory memory.
tasted fine glass of "Tango Mango" Mango, Soursop and Banana, despite the cold exquisite proque fruits are not only rich in the summer
De my favorite juice bar I can recommend, or to prove, or if you attack the nostalgia of the immigrant, Healthy Olleros in 2292, Palermo and Pure Uriburu life in 1489 or in the heart of downtown in Reconquista 516. Be encouraged to go a little beyond the delicious Banana Smoothie!