Ideally not drink alcohol. Every day new studies come out telling us from the harmful effects on health. And speaking of damaging me, I have a kind of allergy to alcohol. I can take my glasses of wine red and a glass of Champagne but if I want to take anything stronger, ending hugging the toilet, fixed.
do not know if it's good or bad, my body has gotten used to a life of balance too much or too little of anything.
So like yesterday May 5 margaritas went and dropped me like a kick, I decided to write this post for all like me, end of best friends to the throne.
Hangover remedy or raw # 1: Split a lemon in half and rub each in both arms.
Hangover remedy or raw # 2: Make an infusion of jengiibre take it and then press the fleshy part between thumb and index finger (both hands). Hangover remedy or raw # 3: Take before bed, an orange juice which has dissolved a spoonful of sugar. |
Hangover remedy or raw # 4: Eat mandarins, melon or the strawberries gazpacho
Hangover remedy or raw # 5: . Eat two bananas can help you feel better faster.
Hangover remedy or raw # 6 Prepare a decoction of nettles ¼ liter of water, lemon and a handful of leaves nettle. Boil nettle leaves in water for 5 minutes then strain. The lemon juice is added at the time of taking it. We recommend taking this concoction in the morning hangover, fasting.
Hangover remedy or raw # 7 Mix lettuce, kiwi and grapefruit juice in blender. Drink a glass of juice.
Remedy hangover or raw # 8: Prepare a juice with the following main ingredients: a slice of papaya, a glass of skim milk, four crushed ice, a piece of cinnamon powder. This requires blending all the ingredients except the cinnamon to be added to the final. It should have a glass every four hours until symptoms remove raw
Hangover remedy or raw # 9: Prepare a juice 3 tomatoes, a cucumber, peeled and chopped tablespoon olive oil. Blend until lumps disappear and drink immediately.
Hangover remedy or raw # 10: Wash and cut eggplant into pieces a little. Place in a blender with a glass of water. Blend for one minute. Strain and drink as soon as you return from holiday.
Hangover remedy or raw # 11: Make a vegetable stock which included two popes celery, zucchini, beets and carrots which return energy.
Hangover remedy or raw # 12: Pour two tablespoons of mint leaves in 1 cup water it is boiling. Cover and cool. Take adding a cup, if desired, 1 teaspoon of organic honey thereby relieve the headache and, in turn, to trigger the process of rehydration.
Hangover remedy or raw # 13: Extract the juice of two oranges and then add 1 teaspoon lime juice and a pinch of cumin. Drink a glass of juice.
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