You have put your wife's blouse and pearl necklace
for this seems irreversible.
who I am nobody's death may break up,
but life has not been done much
at this time when you've shaved your chest and you've covered
creams and lotions
you found on your nightstand.
Now you stretch in bed, smiling, and I have fear
turn on the light and look into your eyes.
Your body is warm, like a sofa
where I curl up scared to death
after you've raised.
would like to be drunk to miss this, but my mouth
perfectly pronounce your name.
What took you so long to realize?
Desire has cavities in which light does not enter. Tonight
is rapidly shifting to the two
and time left in his wake in the pale skin,
in pools of shade where you and I do not exist. Even when naked attempt
imagine naked
although it suffers doubly.
When you approach your mouth to my neck
think that waving branches on trees and dead logs
cut adrift.
I do not believe in you and you do not believe in me, but these bones
are indistinguishable from
meat and the meat is
undercurrents that do not follow the dictates of any God,
of no hope. "I love you"
say about lipstick. "I love you", say others,
after electric shock. And then we both know
has time to breathe together
the top of each other above the other
with the strength of screaming and spreads his wings
when eco denied saying goodbye,
or good riddance. "
minutes spent talking with a new alphabet trying to decipher.
The rise like two planets
fleeing the sky.
two children waiting for someone to drive you home and runs the game.
Finally, return to own yourself, your skin
trembling and your sex shrunk
and you look in the mirror and see a camouflaged face in another face, eyes
have stayed nine years,
shoulders marked by teeth and fangs. And I think
this is not what it seems. I can explain everything. ________________________________________________
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