The melee at the site of the farewell
study is an enemy that welcomes and
from a future picture of himself. When you open your hands
are two trees that can never hug
except in an instant the middle of a storm.
say you're going to fumble
cobwebs in all of our corners,
to demolish the bridges and rivers dry
where we find a beauty dark.
say that everything we know it in a poem,
words that I absorbed from within
and catch on your fingers as you read. You say everything you say
farther and farther, as a country that changes
capital amid a war, or
night watchman at the bottom of a hallway. And seeing you disappear
I rustled the palms of my hands, wings Beat
that no longer exist,
and swallow all the saliva I'll mourn
when all your statues topple
in the same precise moment that changes history . __________________________________________________________
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