Thursday, April 7, 2011

Pioneer 2 Din Head Unit


The photos I post are now selling products in the mercado.Busca in your country by the name of Stevia, can come in powder or droplets!

1. L as leaves of the plant are 30 times sweeter than sugar and extract about 200 times.
Stevia is a small shrub native to northern Paraguay and adjacent areas of Brazil. The leaves of the plant have been used by the Guarani Indian tribe from pre-Columbian times to sweeten food. However, it was not until 1887 that the American scientist discovered Anthony Bertoni.

2. The Stevia has no calories and has beneficial effects on the absorption of fat and blood pressure. Contains carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals.
not reported side effects of any kind, such mutagenic effects or other effects that damage health. 1 cup sugar equals 1 ½ to 2 tablespoons fresh herb or powder ¼ teaspoon of extract. Studies scoring
its antibiotic activity, especially against E. coli bacteria, staphylococci aureus, and Corynebacterium difteriae as well as the fungus Candida albicans vaginitis producer frequent in women.

3. Stevia in its natural form is 15 times sweeter than table sugar (sucrose). and the extract is 100 to 300 times sweeter than sugar.
not affect blood sugar levels, on the contrary, studies have demonstrated hypoglycemic properties, improves glucose tolerance and that is why it is recommended for diabetic patients.

4. Stevia is important for people who want to lose weight , not only because they help reduce calorie intake, but because it reduces the craving or need to be eating candy. The Stevia
also give properties for the control of blood pressure as it has vasodilator, diuretic and cardiotonic (regulates pressure and heart rate).
powder can dissolve in water to be used in drops or teaspoons or tablespoons.

5. It can be used at all, as in cereal, baked goods, cookies, soft drinks, in the preparation of any food.


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