Sunday, August 8, 2010

Wrestling Scholarships For Harvard

For recovery feminism

Paper presented at the Women's Exchange Conference of Masonic Lodge
female Barcelona, \u200b\u200bMay 2010

In patriarchy, the whole world is motherless
Victoria Sau

When revives old mother,
handsome shepherd, and that lives deferred

Lope de Vega

's mother as a determinant society.

With the statement 'Give me other mothers and I will give another world', San Agustin became clear what was the weakness of its social plan and the need for them to change once and for all mothers. Change the mothers to overcome human nature and their willingness to organize and to live as it had for a long time, without domination or slavery, in peace and cooperation (1). New mothers to play filia warrior business continuity, human guerrao fit to make to be slaves @ s. I could do to change this world without a mother.
patriarchal society was built on a matricide, ending generations of women whose disappearance disappeared also peace on Earth (Bachofen). And this is the civilization that still exists today, incessantly destroying the lives and to corrupt the human condition, more competitive, fratricide, more warlike, more ruthless than ever. From my point of view, not the economy that is in crisis, but the model of civilization. The crossroads at which humanity finds itself, we have raised, if we end this world of domination and survival, is the recovery of the true mother, and with it the basic qualities of human beings, which enable us for understanding (and incapacitate us for the fratricide). Recover
real mother is recovering the surrounding environment, its habitat, Bachofen a German word coined to define: the Muttertum, made with the suffix 'tum' (equivalent to 'dom' English) which means the site the place of the mother. It is not only a physical space, but a set of locked relationship with specific libidinal fluid: the fluid feminine-maternal, the mother's breath (2), because the productions of our libidinal organ system, designed to organize human relations are the raw material of human social fabric original. The Muttertum is then like the fabric of the social fabric, as he called at the beautiful metaphor Martha Moia (3): a set of threads, because a single thread does not warp. Lost is the real mother then recover the group of women and their collective role within a particular social group. The recovery of the mother is not a single recovery (even if an individual dimension and body), but female recovery group, of us. According to Malinowski (4), Trobriand women of a clan had a collective name, tabula, the tabula was attending the birth of women in the clan.
In Castilian is a sense of 'mother' that is a vestige of the ancestral mother, as in 'out of mother', which would be out of Muttertum that makes us grow and be consistent, and also a meaning as the original source of something ('the mother of vinegar'); or as the result of something (when we say that we have with 'the mother of the lamb'). If a river is out of control, everything is flooded and disaster. For just walk humanity emerged from mother, in a permanent state of schizophrenia and with increasing outbreaks of violence (Deleuze and Guattari, Laing).
says Ernest Borneman (5) that the emergence of patriarchy was a counter-sexual revolution, in which the loss occurred of the sexual habits of women ( désaccoutumance sexuelle in the French version of the book), which could only refer to women preventing them of their sexuality, which is consistent with the original myths of solar heroes and saints who killed the dragon , a snake or a bull. The trace of these sexual practices that come to us through art and literature, it is very important because it gives us an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat was ahead of anti-sexual revolution.
A common place of lost habits are the female dances and belly dances universally found everywhere, from the earliest times (Paleolithic paintings such as Cogull (Lleida) and Cieza (Murcia), ceramics Cucuteni the 5 th millennium ae, Minoan art, etc..), Which we talk about sexuality and shared autoerotic women of all ages, from infancy. Among the written testimony, quoting the Gongora letrilla women living on our mountains still in the sixteenth century, and who came together to dance:

not white choir of nymphs
of which water settles,
or which venerates the forest
followers of Diana

Basin mountain were
(honor of that mountain),
two rivers whose foot kiss her kiss
by plants. Cheerful dances wove

white holding hands in friendship, perhaps fearing
not barter moves.

How well they dance the mountain!
How well they dance!

These highlands, and Amazon calls elsewhere in the world, were women who went to live in the mountains to preserve their sexual habits. For centuries, tying in with remnants of the old 'pagan', surviving between the complicity and slander (like the romance of the Serrana de la Vera, featuring the mountain like a thief who kidnapped the men to satisfy their lust and then kill). But the reality was more than the entire distortion, slander and mythology together, and contaminated their existence to the women who escaped from the villages at night to join them. In the seventeenth century broke as you know a campaign of extermination against these women, and passed into history to become a witch.
The sexual nature of women's games and dances has also been studied through the lyrics of their songs that have survived to this day (6) The daily habit of women to come together 'to dance' and bathing is ancient and universal , and brings us to envision the space group of women, steeped in complicity and based on a natural intimacy between women today only prevalent in some remote places around the world. There are villages in Africa where women still gather at night to dance (dance clearly sexual, as seen in the photo reportage of Antonio Cores of the Nuba tribe of Sudan (7)). The image of women in the painting The Garden of the Hesperides by Frederick Leighton (XIX century) is another vestige of that relationship
complicity and intimacy between women.
sexual habits of women reminds us not phallocentric sexuality of women, to the diversity of female sexuality, and continuity between each cycle, from one stage to another. Diverse sexuality and diversifies to throughout life, the cultivation and culture have lost.
In the last century, marriage Masters and Johnson (8) made known the result of his research seems surprising anatomically and physiologically the uterus was designed to perform 50 consecutive orgasms, for his part, Dr. Serrano Vicens (9) which carried out research on women's sexuality at the time, found that 35 women who developed normally orgasmic capacity. Ernest Borneman then linked this information with your point of view of patriarchy as a counter-sexual revolution. The difficulty of understanding what it says Borneman is due to the notion that we currently have of sexuality as presented by the woman's orgasmic capacity decontextualized natural sexuality. To understand this we need to re-contextualize it in the way of life which developed normally.
live in an environment in which our human libidinal system designed to lock phylogenetic relationships, is frozen. Today the mothers live far from their daughters and grandmothers we visit to see niet @ s @ s, the person in the family helps out when we get sick live on the other side of the city, and barely know a neighbor or the neighbor on the landing; Ancian l @ s @ s @ s are served by cheap labor of immigrants, and often die alone in their homes or in nursing homes, the labor market requires women to leave their creatures also caring for an immigrant or daycare ... etc. etc. .. In short, we live in a city where we are tod @ s together but as unknown @ s @ s, streets full of people that pass next to each other as foreign. And yet, life has designed a system to keep productions libidinal pcs @ s true: the loving impulses, feelings, tenderness, caress, the desire to give and get rid l @ s in others, gratitude and sense of reciprocity, the senses, the perception of pleasure, taste the kisses and hugs, orgasmic capacity, infatuation, sexual fluids, hormones of love, care and complacency, and so on., well, everything, absolutely everything you need to do a root of feelings of love in which each person participates with its own roots, a roots locking human relations based on trust, to complicity and empathy and attachment, the relationships between sisters and brothers. Everything to fall for babies and their care becomes our desire and our pleasure, that those feelings take root form loving human groups and cooperative interaction with abundant production of generosity, hospitality and feelings of gratitude for correspondence the shedding of l @ s otr @ s, consisting of groups of human beings, non-manipulable, faithful and true to his feelings towards his surroundings, its roots are linked with their roots
herman @ s. So care l @ s others, l @ s s obesity, old l @ s @ s de l @ s @ s enferm would only be a product of feelings to be held lovingly and not as a thankless job or mercenary . But our society is made for competition and domination and has frozen the libidinal system, human relations are established contractually at the discretion of the money, without empathy libidinal. Say that's why there are experts who know the techniques and methods of doing things. As if to give us just as we look after our mother, or our @ s hij @ s, a loved one of our trust and our intimacy, or a stranger.
In this context, we associate the concept of sexuality on the one hand, this state of stagnation of sexual energy, and secondly, to direct a periodic discharges the accumulated charge, which also are linked to the practice of intercourse, which desire is increasingly secondary and irrelevant, because in general the frozen state of libidinal system, also amorous encounters become institutionalized and the contract or agreement. However, human sexuality is not just intercourse, and has little or nothing to do with having sex without desire. We know that levels oxytocin up at a meeting of friends, or a family meal of those where we feel comfortable. And higher discharges of oxytocin in the life of a woman occur immediately after delivery. We also know that the peaks do not appear magically, but the whole process is a continuum throughout life and some are preparing to come later.
On the one hand our way of life prevents the continuity of processes, and other repression focuses on the peaks, the tips of the iceberg that highlight the overall system destroyed. The maternal desire is captured before going into production deform and makes him a forbidden Oedipal desire and coital (Deleuze and Guattari), while the general notion of sexuality is captured and colonized by pornography and having sex without desire (tecnosexolgía). In this situation, as I say, female orgasmic capacity by Masters and Johnson study appears out of context, and can only be associated with a orgy kind of permanent or, as in a recent article in The New York Times (10), sexual activity bonobos females apparently spend the day copulating. However, the ancestral sexual habits of women show a very different development of the sexual energy in everyday life, including motherhood. Mycenaean women painted on the pots with those who were daily to fetch water, some octopus with its tentacles waving and hugging all the belly of the vessel, emulating the path of pleasure over their bodies, as a humble example of the integration of pleasure in everyday life.
Vicente Serrano's study gives an indication of the nature of female sexuality that still existed in the fifties of last century in our country, despite the situation of individualization and submission to men: it is found that women were initiated in sexuality from an early age, shared games with other girls, with auto-eroticism and lesbian relationships embedded in everyday life, yet very common in Spain at that time. Sexual relations were only one aspect of their sex lives, and those most enjoyed their sexuality, including sexual intercourse, were those that had developed and diversified way since childhood. 2 .-

Motherhood and female sexuality
.- The history of mankind is divided into two parts: before and after the patriarchy, before and after the slave societies. Between one and another part of human history, there is a discontinuity in the notion of things, concepts and symbols. This discontinuity is perfectly detectable, but it requires a special effort because it has been subtly erased in means of transmission of knowledge, and the new notion of things is based on a dogmatic magma that we close the door on the notion of true and genuine life. This basic conceptual dogma (Ruth Benedict (11)) presents the archetypal human being, a being domineering predisposed to war and to deploy a capacity and a supposedly innate desire to dominate (Amparo Moreno (12)). Closely linked to the notion of the archetypal human, we have a false notion of the mother and of human sexuality.
The first notion is that the real loss motherhood is a display of our sexuality, and that the elimination of the social role of the mother has a dimension organic body and important. The body dimension of matricide is nothing that says Borneman sexual counterrevolution. Women's enmity with the serpent (the loss of spaces and sexual habits) and its consequence, birth with pain, were-and are-key to establish the domination of man over woman.
American Association Orgasmic Birth, the Best Kept Secret (Parto orgasmic
best kept secret) (13), is releasing a documentary with many orgasmic birth, showing what he had already referred to John Meredith Barbera (14) and other studies @ s of last century sexology on orgasm at birth (Shere Hite, Masters and Johnson, Kinsey, etc.). The uterus is designed to perform 50 consecutive orgasms for the birthing process so pleasant, without violence and without pain. Calls 'contractions' delivery should be beat: slow movements of the powerful muscles of the uterine pouch, which will shrink and become distended, and shrink and become distended, rhythmically, amoeboid movement with which the fetus descends into the output, while the circular muscles relax uterine bag closing function.
In parts of Saudi Arabia, women today still form a circle around the mother dancing dancing belly, hypnotizing with its rolling rhythmic movements that it also moves for the body instead of moving against him. (15) This is a clear example of the relationship between sexual habits lost in the counter-revolution patriarchal and delivery. In the real belly dancing, the movements of the abdomen and pelvis are driven by sexual instinct, despite the redundancy, and move accompanying the movement of the uterus.
games and dances in a circle and belly dancing in childhood, adolescence and adulthood, auto-eroticism, intimacy and complicity female orgasmic sexual intercourse and childbirth. So the sexuality of women, diverse. Sexuality our body is not only targeting the phallus. The phallus-centrism has been a consequence of the phallocracy, domination, imposed with the emergence of patriarchal societies slavery.
must also mention breastfeeding, an important period of the sexual life of women. Ruth Benedict (16) had it towards the 30's of last century, the Japanese health authorities wanted to promote women weaning at 8 months postpartum, in a society in which breastfeeding was very long and recognized as a state of great pleasure for women. They campaigned with supposed scientific arguments to convince women that was best for their babies. But while weaning convinced that it was best for babies, could not convince that it was best for them, and were not willing to give up that pleasure. At the time of writing the book, Benedict said that the campaign of weaning at 8 months was a failure. In Japan, says Michael Balint (17) mother's love is a very specific and has its semantic recognition: the amaeru. According to Balint, the primal amaeru or love, is characterized by greater libidinal investment of human life, because love is a desire to promote a permanent state of symbiosis.
physiology tells us that breastfeeding is also a part of our system sexual (18), the ejection of milk has an internal device in women, which is activated by sexual instinct and the consequent release of oxytocin, and oxytocin snapped their receptors on myoepithelial fibers lining the alveoli the nipples, is launching its heartbeat, the contraction-relaxation movement of pumping and milk squirts. It's the same device that we women also ejaculate vaginal discharge for intercourse or for labor; the same device also men to ejaculate semen pumped and stored in the seminal vesicle. That is, is a sexual system device that is activated with the sexual instinct, and therefore can be put up to a glance of true love. The map of the location of the oxytocin receptor is a map of the main erogenous zones of women, and explains the relationship that the outward movement of pleasure established between them.
It was found that the density of oxytocin receptors in uterine muscle fibers is variable, and increases with sexual activity (19). This would explain the role that the sexual instincts in childhood (if they occur is for something and not some aberration) to develop and mature sexual organs. Sexuality is a continuum of psychosomatic phenomena over the life of the woman, in which some phenomena prepare the following, during childhood and puberty to prepare rules have leisure, and during adolescence to have intercourse, pregnancy, childbirth and lactation enjoyable. For example during pregnancy increase the recipients of the breasts to prepare for breastfeeding, so during pregnancy increases the eroticism in this area of \u200b\u200bthe body.
says Lea Melandri (20) that the denial of our sexuality is violence turned inward, which begins when the child is denied the mother's body, and sees his own body through the body refused to her mother's, then internalize the paradigm of women through the filter of the human gaze. This denial and violence against ourselves is the result phallus-centric immediate crushing diversity of our sexuality. The mother-daughter relationship would be in terms libidinal Muttertum the main source of human, so their destruction is the main objective of artificial design of human relationships.
Our incorporation into public life and equal social rights can not be making a clean sweep of what we are, and making a clean sweep of matricide. In our society there is no space or time to the real mother, or the mother or for women. We are different from men and our sexuality is not uniquely complemented with male sexuality. We need the recognition, time and social space for the other sex. The real heterosexual couples is not the adult, but the symbiotic partner, the mother-child where it starts and develops throughout life and human sexuality, male and female. If society is structured not from the mother, if not rebuild the Muttertum, space and on behalf of women, society will continue to live a crazy, out of hand.
subjectively Women have recovered our dignity, and we need to start recognizing equal to recognize our difference. And the recognition of difference has been lost and banned women who have to recover, and with her mother to every human being and society needs. We must lay the warp. And you also have to engineer it.
3 .- Tramar
warp .-
The male role is not to conquer or dominate the world, but human warp weave. Plotting the warp and consistent means to make it sustainable, ie to the tissue. It is equally a collective function. This is not an individual paternity or that men do warp, much like the tradition of couvade (21), trying to wrest the feminine role, but now it might seem necessary precisely because of the lack of collective function female.
would be something like returning to the extended family but no relationships of domination of any kind. Nor is it the traditional homecoming: the professional activity of women should be made from the warp as well as the professional activity of men from the plot, and no one would have to conquer anything or anyone to master. As had always done for thousands of years, in other civilizations.
Of course, maybe we would need to resurface for some time that the Quixote (22) and Arthur to defend the snake (the mother, female sexuality) and maintain the standard of the dragon, and also likely would require the revival of the Amazons, and perhaps so many different things like that took place during the long and tenacious resistance that humanity opposed to this civilization.
La Mimosa February 2010
______________ (1) Archaeology has removed any doubt about it, proving that the Golden Age is not a myth but it was reality.
(2) The mutterlich Bachofen who never used the word 'matriarchy'. The tenacity with which we persist in endorsing Bachofen, and use it to refer to the pre-patriarchal society, is a measure of how important it is to eradicate the notion of the mother who has nothing to do with hierarchy or a power relationship.
(3) The girls not , Salt edicions des gifts, Barcelona 1981.
(4) The sexual life of savages in Western Melanesia, Beacon Press, Boston 1987 (1 st published 1929)
(5) Le patriarcat , PUF, Paris 1979 (1 st publication, Frankfort 1975).
(6) The same Borneman has collected children's songs in German. In Spain, Mari Cruz Garrido
conducted a study I think we still unpublished.
(8) Human Sexual Response, Little, Brown & Co., Boston 1966.
(9) sexual Report English women, Leader 1977, and female sexuality , Júcar 1972.
(10) Daniel Bergner, What Do Women Want?
(11) Patterns of Culture, and Continuities and Discontinuities in cultural conditioning (the latter hung on / site / rescatandotextos
(12) male protagonist The Archetype History, ed Salt . de les Dones, 1987 and other policy The Aristotle, Icaria
1988 (13)
(14) freshen with pleasure, Kairos 1980.
(15) VV . AA. Mamatoto, the celebration of birth, Plural editions.
(16) The Chrysanthemum and the Sword , Partnership 2006 (1 st publication, 1946).
(17) Lack Basic , Polity Press 1993 (1 st publication, 1979)
(18) Martin-Calama, J., 'Physiology of lactation' Breastfeeding Manual, AEP, ed.
Medica Panamericana, 2008.
(19) Other: Odent, M., The Love scientification , Creaven, 2001. Insel and Shapiro in Pedersen et al. Oxitocyn in sexual, maternal, Social Behavior, Annals of the N. York Academy of Sciences 1992.
(20) original Infamy , Make / Ricou, Barcelona, \u200b\u200b1980
(21) Victoria Sau, see Feminist thesaurus, and also in Feminist Reflections beginning of the century.
(22) See statement of Don Quixote to his condition goatherds knight defender of the golden age, and lifestyle of women in those days.


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